
Introductory Material:

Chapter 1
The Edwards Coat of Arms

Family Records:
John 1
John 2
John 3
Richard 3
Jonathan 3
Samuel 3
Nathaniel 3
William 3


The Crockett Connection
Edwards and the Civil War
Photo Album
Our Immigrant Ancestors
1906 Census

Family Fun
Mayberry Hill Chronicles

This Old House
Justin Edwards had a Farm
Letters from Henry


Bryce McLellan Edwards

Father: Mother:

Enoch Edwards
Abigail McLellan

Birth Date: Birth Location: Death Date: Death Location:

8/22/1820 Otisfield ME 9/9/1894 Otisfield ME


Name: Marriage Date: Marriage Location: Father: Mother:
Miranda Frost 12/18/1842 Norway ME Peter Frost Sally Perkins

Birth Date: Birth Location: Death Date: Death Location:

4/2/2824 Norway ME 4/19/1888 Otisfield ME


Name: Birth Date: Birth Location: Death Date: Death Location:
Sydney Danforth Edwards 9/30/1843 Otisfield ME 12/14/1901 Oxford ME
Elbridge Warren Edwards 6/8/1846 Otisfield ME

Sarah Harriet Edwards 7/26/1849 Otisfield ME

Eva Emogene Edwards 5/31/1852 Otisfield ME


Family Located: Otisfield ME
Occupation: Farmer

Bryce McLellan Edwards was a soldier in the Civil War. He was mustered into service July 28, 1862, Co. 1, 5th Me. Regt. Inf.; and was discharged May, 1862. Another record states that he was discharged for disability June 23, 1863. His brother, Col. Clark Edwards, purchased and brought home from the war two horses. Bryce had charge of them en route.

Other Info:


1850 Otisfield   (Cumberland) ME
Bryce M Edwards    30    Farmer    1000
Miranda    26
Sidney    7
Elbridge W    4
Harriet    1
Enoch    76    Farmer

1860 Otisfield   (Cumberland) ME
Brice M Edwards    39    Farmer    1000    300    Otisfield
Miranda    37    Norway
Sidney    16    Otisfield
Elbridge W    13    Otisfield
Harriet S    10    Otisfield
Eva E    8    Otisfield

1870 The town of Otisfield (Cumberland) ME
Edwards Bryce    49    Farmer    2300    712    ME
_____ Myranda    45    Keeping House    ME
_____ Elbridge W    24    Farm Laborer    ME
_____ Harriet S    20    School teacher    ME
_____ Emma E    17    At Home    ME

1880 Otisfield (Cumberland) ME
Edwards Bryce M    59    Farmer    ME    ME    ME
_____ Miranda    56    Wife    Keeping house    ME    ME    ME
Chapman Lora L    2    Granddaughter    ME    ME    ME


Bryce Edwards and wife Miranda are buried in Merrill Memorial Cemetery, Otisfield, ME.


 Published History/Genealogy:

Bryce McLellan Edwards son of Enoch lived on his fathers old place on the Gore..... He last lived in the first house west of the Gore schoolhouse.
Source: History of Otisfield by William Samuel Spurr; Reprinted by the Town of Otisfield, 2nd edition


For more information about the ancestors of Miranda Frost, see this section of "John Shaw of Plymouth Plantation in Progress"